UNICEF full form:What is the full form of unicef?

UNICEF full form

UNICEF full form

The full form of UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund. It was formerly known as the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund(UNICEF). It was founded in 1946. UNICEF was founded as a special program of the United Nations which works for the general welfare of the needy children and mothers across the world. 

UNICEF works to uphold the rights and provide food, healthcare, and security to children affected by the atrocities of the Second World War. The UNICEF became a permanent program under the United Nations in 1953. The UNICEF name was subsequently changed to its current form due to the changing world scenario, though it retains the original acronym.

UNICEF funding

UNICEF relies completely on government and private donors to run its activities. In 2018, UNICEF’s total income was worth $5.2 billion out of which two-thirds came from the government. And the rest of the contribution was done by the private groups and individuals. It is governed by an executive member board of 36 people who work to establish policies, approve programs, and oversees administrative and financial plans. The board is usually valid for a term of 3-year and is made up of government representatives who are elected by United Nations Economic and  Social Council.


UNICEF helps to develop community-level services to promote the health and well-being of children. Its presence is over in 192 countries and territories. UNICEF supply division is based in Copenhagen from where it serves as a primary point of distribution of vaccines, medicines, nutrition supplements, shelters and education materials. UNICEF has been awarded many titles. It was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1965,  Indra Gandhi Prize in 1989, and in 2006 it was awarded the Prince of Austrias Award of concord. 

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UNICEF full form:What is the full form of unicef? UNICEF full form:What is the full form of unicef? Reviewed by Ashutosh kumar on January 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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